Be a part of something BIG!

#schnitty4sam | Saturday 4 May 2024
(a DAY.. or a WEEK, or the MONTH of May)

On 4 May 2008, 17-year-old Sam Davis played a game of football, had a schnitzel for dinner at his clubrooms, and then went to a party, just like he had many times before.

Only this time Sam didn’t come home. 

Sam’s life was tragically cut short by a one punch attack. In his memory the Sammy D Foundation was formed to educate young people on the impacts of bullying, and drug & alcohol fueled violence.

#schnitty4sam is about commemorating the loss of Sam and acknowledging his legacy; the Sammy D Foundation, who have now empowered the lives of over 200,000 young people who have attended their education programs, and doubtless saved many young lives.

Watch this short video to understand more about the work and impact: Who we are.

How do you get involved? Well there's a few ways, it’s really very simple:

  1. Eat a schnitzel (what an awesome ask?!)
  2. Pledge you’re in by sharing our social posts with #schnitty4sam @sammydfoundation
  3. Make a donation on our Facebook Fundraiser (coming soon) or through our website here.
  4. Share your #schnitty4sam pics on the 4th of May. Never fear, if you can’t do it on the day feel free to upload them at any point. 

OR are you a VENUE or SPORTING CLUB that wants to get involved? Follow the below links to join the movement!

Nothing is too big or too small. Every $5+ per schnitzel will play a part in assisting us to continue educating and mentoring young people in our community.

As a community let’s stand up and say NO to violence and YES to mateship. We hope you will join us in making a difference. 
